Essential Oils


Creating a Good Bedtime Routine for Your Child

The importance of sleep is well-understood, but it can sometimes be difficult to help children go to bed. The secret to sweet slumber for the little ones lies in creating a bedtime routine and sticking to it consistently. This might include reading a book to your child, turning off electronics an hour before bed, playing soothing music, and diffusing essential oils in your child’s bedroom. There is no perfect, one-size-fits-all bedtime regimen for kids, so experiment and find out what your child responds best to. Then, try not to vary too much. Having a predictable bedtime routine can help your child settle down for the night with less fuss and delay, and it can help instill healthy sleep habits for life. 

Bedtime for Kids

Put a drop of doTERRA Serenity® on your child’s pillow.

  • Add one to three drops of Lavender to bathwater at bedtime.

  • Diffuse two drops of Lavender, two drops of Bergamot, and one drop of Roman Chamomile an hour before bedtime.

  • Gently massage your child’s feet with Lavender or Peace and Fractionated Coconut Oil.

  • Make a bedtime tea by adding a drop of Roman Chamomile and Lavender to hot water and honey or agave.

What is Toxic Load? 

A “toxin” is any substance that places undue stress on the body. The sum of these substances that accumulate within the body and the burden that they place on vital organs at any given time is referred to as your “toxic load.” 

We are exposed to countless toxins every day, with everything we do, and from sources that we may not even be aware of. Every breath, every bite we take, every minute we stand under the sun, and every chemical (natural or synthetic) that we come in contact with while cleaning our home exposes us to substances that can negatively impact our health. Our lungs, digestive tract, and skin are the most vulnerable pathways. 


  • Add a drop or two of Lemon or Grapefruit essential oil to your water

  • Do doTERRA’s 30-day cleanse 1-2 times a year